Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I Love Making AWESOME Stuff: A History

I have always been the type of girl who makes Awesome stuff!  I spent weeks and weeks on my classroom Valentine box each year...I would get the jitters the day of the party because I could not wait to show it off to my friends.  I made my mom a pin cushion from squares of fabric and scotch tape.  I have always been able to make absolutely anything out of a card board box.   I have also been known to make extraordinary things from candy wrappers...and would save most all my wrappers just in case I found something great to make out of them!  It would be an understatement to say I was quite the little hoarder as a child...

...In high school, I had battery powered Christmas lights hanging inside my locker year round...I spent all my free time in the art room or on the stage making awesome stuff for the theater productions.  At one point I was voted Harrison County's Favorite Artist...but I am pretty sure that I just had many, many family members voting for me!

In college I built, painted, and detailed a large wooden doll house in my tiny dorm roommate was thrilled I am sure!  I enrolled in the Wilton cake decorating classes at Hobby Lobby during the hardest semester of classes for my degree.  I brought my practice cake to my small college class the day after my cake class every week.  College students LOVE free food...and butter cream frosting!  And at all hours of the night I might have been found stitching away on my sewing machine...after I had moved into a shared apartment...again my roommates LOVED me I am sure!

I could write a novel on the DIY projects I did for my wedding. Just one project alone were the pocket fold invites, that I cut, and glued, and punched, and printed, and stamped, and embossed, and cut, and cut, and cut...over 100 of those things!  I DIY-ed anything I could!  I wanted to save money, but mostly I wanted to make it to my very own specifications...can you say bridezilla?  I even wanted to make my own cake, but my mother-in-law stood firm on not letting me take that on!

And now since becoming an adult, moving into my own house, and having children...the possibilities for making awesome stuff are endless!  On one day I am sewing a little girl's dress, on other days I working on the landscaping around our pond, or maybe creating a cardboard playhouse, or designing a nursery or little girls room, or as of recent making awesome wall hangings from cardboard toilet paper rolls, or baking away in my kitchen!  And as you can see from the blog design, I have even been dabbling in digital creations! 

Long story short I love making AWESOME stuff!  I always have and always will....this blog was created to help feed that fire and maybe, possibly give a purpose to my madness!  I hope you enjoy!

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