Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wine Cork Board

So it has been awhile since I have posted a single thing....that does not mean I have not been creating....I have...but at such a speed that I would rather not take a break to blog about it.  But alas I am here for your viewing, reading, and overall educating pleasure!

I have been blessed by many things in my life...but one of recent is having an awesome group of neighbors.  There are five of us on our street that get together regularly every Friday evening...for "Wine Night".  This sounds much more sophisticated than what is actually it.  Sophisticated or is always fun...and a cheap, safe, wonderful way to spend a Friday night out of the house.  After I put the kids to bed I head down the street with my bottle of wine in hand...

Not long after I joined this group of ladies I started pocketing the corks that accumulated each week.  I knew I could find something great to make of these corks.  I started a board on Pinterest of DIY Wine related crafts.

Well I finally got enough to create something great with them...(with the help of another cork hoarding neighbor...THANKS CHRISTY!!!)

Without further ado here it is my AWESOME Wine Cork Board: 

 The Frame:  I had originally thought I would re-purpose one or even two of those wooden trays that come with Melissa & Doug toys...I could stain it all pretty and such...but none of the trays I had really filled the space I planned on hanging the finished board.  On a side note...if anyone has any great ideas for those wooden trays let me know... I have a crap ton of them and I am not about to throw them away...I KNOW there is a use for them out there somewhere!

So I thought I'd find some sort of frame at my local craft store or something...but then I stumbled upon the clearance section at Kirkland's (a great home decor store).  They had this PERFECT 12 x 12, dark stained frame...with some silly sentiment in it about being a good daughter or something.  IT was $12!  I was sold.  My husband was watching in utter confusion when I came home and pulled out this nice new something or other to hang on the wall and I started tearing it apart.  We have been together long enough that heno longer asks questions.

I took the pretty picture out along with the glass and then put the cardboard backing back in place.  It worked perfectly.

Yeah up close you can totally see negative space between some of the corks...but I don't really one is going to really be standing nose deep in my cork board...well maybe not all that often. Towards the end of the project it became the ultimate game of Tetris for a hot glue loving wino crafter.

Also I was going to add that if you are wanting to do this or any other wine cork craft...I have seen a box of wine corks you can buy at Target for $9.99.  It is in with the other decorative vase fillers.  I, however, prefer to earn my is more fun that way.  The corks I used are mostly from local wineries.  Because my neighbors always bring out the good stuff...the cheap-O Barefoot corks you see on the board are my contribution.  I am a $6 bottle kind of girl. :)

Soon I will be adding a post of all the handmade Holiday gifts I made this year...included are those super cute wine cork reindeer you see all over Pinterest.  I will link it as soon as I finish that post!

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