Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Awesome MilkCaps Alpha Matching!

Some of you have eagerly been waiting to see why on earth I was having you save milk caps... Over the weekend we FINALLY hit our goal of 26 milk caps (but I still would like MANY more)!  So last night I got to work on the game board.
Here is the final result:

 It is pretty self explanatory...but I will explain it anyway...:)  It is a matching game for the kids to learn to recognize the letters of the alphabet (capital to capital, lower case to lower case, then when they are ready lower case to upper case). 

Step One:  Ask your family and friends to start collecting milk caps for you.  The ones without a label on them work best.  The labeled ones for me were a huge pain to get them clean.  I did not even end up using them.  If that is all your family uses then you could always put your own label over top of it and it would work fine.  I used all colors with not particular could do vowels one color and consonants in another.
 Step Two: Cut circles about 2in in diameter.  I used my Cricut at first, but then decided this Fiskers paper punch was cuter.  Again my colors have no reasoning behind them...My daughter is only 2.5 so vowels are not a priority right now.  I used a Sharpie to write the letters on each little circle and each milk cap. 

 Step Three: I used double sided tape to stick each circle in place on the 12 x12 piece of cardstock.  I ended up cutting it down a bit after they were all placed.  You could also space them out a bit more in order to allow room for the "game board"  to fold in half for storage.  I forgot I was going to do that so mine does not fold in half.

Step Four: I "Laminated" the front and back with packing tape.  I call it the poor man's works just fine for me!
 I made two "game boards".  One uppercase and one lowercase...upon reflection I am sure I could have put the lowercase letters on the back of the uppercase game board (less supplies, less to store, less to lose).

I love how it turned out!  Thank you to all of you who saved milk caps for me...keep saving them as I still need to make the lower case set of milk caps.  And I want to make a whole other set of this for a friend!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I think I might have to make one for Aiden! We drink SO much milk at home, I bet I could save them up in no time!!!
